Thornbury Streetscape x Masterplan

High Street, Thornbury/Northcote, Melbourne

October 2015


We worked closely with Darebin City Council to initiate a series of community engagement events and urban activations along High Street, Thornbury/Northcote. 

During the 4-month project, Creative Suburbs engaged with over 3,000 members of the local community and local businesses, residents and visitors via face-to-face consultation at interactive pop-up booths, flyer drop offs, community surveys, and online engagement platforms including Facebook, Twitter and a bespoke designed website.

Creative Suburbs partnered with these groups to facilitate the transformation of three parking spaces to public green spaces called Park(ing) Day. This was based on participants’ ideas to increase open space and landscape along High Street. Park(ing) Day provided an excellent opportunity to passively engage a wider community likely not to be interested in standard community consultation.

Concluding from this, Creative Suburbs tabled recommendations to Darebin City Council seeking to beautify and making the area more accessible to locals and visitors alike.

Tuong Tran