• Innovative Community Face-to-face Engagement Solutions

  • Tactile Placemaking

  • Digital Engagement x Placemaking (Customised Website)

  • Temporary Site Activations  

  • Community Event Curation x Management

  • Creating Suburbs™ Workshops

  • Strategic Marketing



"Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. It capitalises on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people's health, happiness, and well being."


We take pride in our collaborative community-led approach to placemaking.

Who better knows what is required in our neighbourhoods than those living, working, playing and governing those very streets.

Regardless of who we work with, we adopt a high-level approach which incorporates the following:

  • A shared vision;

  • A shared plan;

  • A shared understanding; and

  • A shared outcome.

Collaborative Consance Framework.jpg

"One thing that’s truly unique about these tools is not only the diversity of participation, but how this range of people of quite different backgrounds took each other seriously and communicated constructively."

- Jamie Dyhrberg, Wellington City Council

"Working with Creative Suburbs has been fantastic. They bring a very unique engagement methodology with both the local community and businesses. By co-designing spaces and events with the local community, this gives people a sense of connectedness to the spaces they have contributed to."

- Garry Williams, Inspire9